b. The Army Profession This pamphlet contains draft concepts and preliminary findings approved by the Commanding General, TRADOC, as the Army’s lead in executing the Profession of Arms campaign. It also includes much that is not written down or published at all, much that is intangible but nonetheless central to the identity that makes a Soldier, Marine, Sailor, Airman, or Coastguardsman. No military professionals had any experience, or even any theoretical background, in using nuclear weapons to deter war. Beyond initial acceptance into the ranks of the profession of arms, it is the profession, through the evaluation by its leadership at various levels and not solely the desire of the individual military member, that determines who remains and who advances in the profession—and who must leave, again according to publicly stated standards promulgated under authority of law. The Profession of Arms The Role of Human Resources Sergeant in the Profession of Arms I have never thought of the Army as not being a profession of arms. The Army teaches seven values that our soldiers must adopt to be accepted members of our Army profession: loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, honor, integrity and personal courage. Former Sergeant Major of the Army Kenneth Preston, as quoted in, Executive Order 10631, “Code of Conduct for members of the Armed Forces of the United States,” available at <, Douglas MacArthur, “Thayer Award Acceptance Speech,” West Point, NY, May 12, 1962, available at <. “This was truly a disheartening decision to make,” said Brig. In the second half of the 20th century, with the emergence of nuclear weapons, the purposes on which the military’s specialized knowledge focused were transformed, to include something that had never been even imagined by previous generations of military professionals: nuclear deterrence. [objective62] our expertise in the justified application of lethal military force 2) Jointness implies cross-Service combination wherein the _____of the joint force is understood to be synergistic, with the sum greater than its parts. In his classic study The Profession of Arms, General Hackett stated, “The function of the profession of arms is the ordered application of force in the resolution of a social or political problem.”3 The essential task of its members is to fight, individually and collectively; of its officers, to direct and lead those who apply the instruments of destruction to achieve assigned ends. More In This Section. An ethos is more about what it means to be a member of that profession than it is about what members of the profession do. One responsibility of a profession and of its individual members is to acquire and apply this new information, integrating or synthesizing it into the existing body of knowledge. This is a recurring and central theme in discourses on the profession of arms. Introduction Leaders provide purpose, direction, and motivation. The Profession of Arms … Given the stakes, it is no wonder that the profession of arms invokes and requires, in the words of the U.S. military officer’s commission, “special trust and confidence.”. The individual Service then screens the candidates according to public standards set by the Congress and Department of Defense, and accepts some applicants conditionally. Theirs is a higher loyalty and purpose, or rather a hierarchy of loyalties, which puts nation above service, service above comrades in arms, and comrades above self. “However, in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the health and safety of our personnel and Michigan communities made this a prudent choice.” The air show, which featured the Canadian Forces Snowbirds, was scheduled for June 6-7, 2020. While the Army profession currently enjoys a high level of public trust, that trust relationship is intensely fragile. We must continue to learn, to understand, and to promote the knowledge, … is intellectual in nature and capable of preservation in writing. In describing the expertise of the profession of arms, Huntington used political scientist Harold Lasswell’s phrase “the management of violence,” which he went on to say involves “(1) the organization, equipping, and training of [the] force; (2) the planning of its activities; and (3) the direction of its operation in and out of combat.”18 Many will recognize in the first category the functions that Title 10 of the U.S. Code assigns to the three military departments19 (Army, Air Force, and Navy).20 Much of the second and third types of work is done, in the United States, by the Combatant Commanders and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under guidance and direction from the Commander-in-Chief and the Secretary of Defense. TRAINING AND EDUCATION . Society may change the terms of the services that it expects, or even demands, a particular profession will provide. James Hotaling speaks with enlisted members of the 127th Wing, Michigan Air National Guard, at Selfridge Air National Guard Base, March 8, 2014. We must continue to learn, to understand, and to promote the knowledge, skills, attributes, and behaviors that define us as a profession.”15 For General Dempsey and for others, it is not in the saying but in the doing that the heart of a profession lies. In the United States, or for that matter in most (maybe all) countries, no man or woman can declare himself or herself to be a Soldier, Marine, Sailor, Airman, or Coastguardsman.30 Rather, in the United States, persons who aspire to that status must apply to join. For the member of the profession of arms, fulfilling society’s demands and expectations means investing one’s best as a professional and as a person. Paris Saint-Germain are working on contract renewals for their top stars but first in line won't be Neymar or Kylian Mbappe but instead Angel Di Maria. The professional military ethos includes much that is written but not official or authoritative, such as General of the Army Douglas MacArthur’s famous “Duty, Honor, Country” speech at West Point,34 the Marine Corps’ motto Semper Fidelis, the Coast Guard’s Semper Paratus, and the spirit of each military Service’s core values.
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