Let's start with hyperbole or exaggeration. It is caused by my own lack of self preservation in the face of other people's needs. David M. Allen, M.D. When enough of us have recovered and begin to occupy situations of authority that enable us to challenge this we will be demanding justice and reparation. My post above was the very first time I've ever posted to anything like this. It is these spurious connections you make between BPD and spoiling behaviour that are wrong and I will continue to disagree with what you post because my position is opposed to yours. My ex used to manipulate me to feel anxious, hopeless and guilty and it worked for years. Repeat as necessary. I found out the hard way who I should mention this to and who I shouldn't. Actually, quite the opposite. My Name is Aime, not "Annie." You have just proved the point about Borderline Personality Disorder, you are being textbook borderline, attacking others for pointing out the truth, rather than dealing with things as they are. Being in a position even to muster a repertoire of communication techniques will likely require considerable progress in self awareness, personal healing, development of non attachment (emotionally), if not substantial non … This is so that they can continue to receive help and enabling for playing the "spoiler" role. Sorry to have to point this out, but some commenters here are doing exactly the same things they are accusing everyone else of doing - refusing to take ANY responsibility for their own part in the problem and just blaming everyone else and/or pathologizing everyone ELSE's behavior. While I can get incredibly angry which leads to suicidal ideation I also know that my struggles with this condition have caused me to become incredibly introspective and analytical. If you are new to the job and haven't had much experience or training for working with people with borderline, don't feel bad transferring the case to someone with more experience. Unless you are very careful in what you say you will leave people with the generalised impression that those of us who wouldn't dream of threatening to kill ourselves or pretending to kill ourselves, are simply playing a game when we try and seek help because we really are ready to die. Just think about that OK? If I reply here again, I'll certainly try much harder and remember, there are dozens of BPD variants. Or, "I should be able to walk down dark alleys at 3 a.m. in seedy parts of town with $100 bills hanging out of my pockets." Your posts are so irrational that you can even be proven wrong by the contradictions within and between them. I have no shame whatsoever in my diagnosis but I know for a fact that people who know what BPD is treat me differently now and it is crazy making. Wrong move. You've met far too many spoilers and spend far too much time talking about them for me to trust your judgement in this matter. Try asking a few people whose mother had the disorder if you don't believe me. But some do. I only want to know what's wrong so I can take appropriate measures to defeat the disorder. And that's just one example of such a patient. IT's really nice. Different? The first thing to notice is that the statements above are actually true. The only problem with your analysis is that the patient in question, a very young woman, had only been seen by one prior therapist, and claimed to absolutely adore her! They sacrifice themselves to their kin group. In response, the individual with BPD may then explain why they want to take the risk, or he or she may not. One only has to read many of your posts on this article as well as many other threads on BPD to invalidate the "always" part of your statement. Ya think? ... As far as the no insurance part; look into local community mental health clinics. It was not, is not and will not be in the future because, I reiterate, BPD does not and will not prevent me from being a decent person. You might say something like, "I'm not going to insult your intelligence by arguing with you about that.". FYI: according to NIH, "As many as 80 percent of people with borderline personality disorder have suicidal behaviors,7 and about 4 to 9 percent commit suicide." I've never been formally diagnosed with BPD, but I know I have it in spades. It is this fact that those who make it past their teenage years with this condition develop a great sense of accountability and knowledge of their limitations that you and others fail to respect or acknowledge. Or how about, "Why should I go to a therapist? If you flogged a dog every day for a few days, then looked at it cowering at you, flinching and sometimes going mad, freaking out barking - THAT is borderline. The average psychologist or doctor is a total asshole in real life, manipulative, nasty, scummy people who look down on their patients, think they're better than everyone else. I would argue most of us are not like this and that to treat us like we are like this is to cause a self fulfilling prophecy. I thought it was you. What would happen to a BDP person if these emotions entirely disappeared from their life? I was responding to Aime directly and while we may well agree that she needs to fight for her right to treatment with an appropriate therapist I urge her to seek one whose view is not as blinkered as yours. By minimizing the knee-jerk reaction these assaults generate you can gain a moment to logically assess the situation and respond appropriately. I wonder how Ice Queen feels about this? I have had to to survive as most of us do. That and the fact that he's told me that once he finishes for the day, he's no longer part of his professional world, but I expect him to be there when I text (which he has been). Now I'm a total mess and the Efexor my stupid GP put me on isn't doing a thing to stop the massive emotional swings, but he won't let me go off it and I hate him!! If they do not do these things, then a particular post would not apply. Thanks for your comment. Trust me, anyone with BPD is frequently quite miserable for a variety of very valid reasons. In this post, I will continue to run down specific countermeasures to the usual strategies in the BPD bag of tricks used to distance and/or invalidate you, as well as to make you feel anxiously helpless, anxiously guilty, or hostile. Some of the more common responses are addressed in this section. How Borderline Personality Can Be Different for Each Individual. I disagree with the doctor on this one. Provocation-focused rumination may be rewarding in the short term by amplifying anger and producing feelings of justification, validation, and increased energy, while reducing self-directed negative affect. That was the other person. What is gained by people who are dealing with a small section of particularly disruptive people with BPD has to be weighed up against the intense and life threatening harm that is caused to those that don't meet this criteria when people like you generalise about the condition. While you have decided that you have nothing further that you wish to add to the conversation, presumably because you are defending yourself from my attempts to make you feel bad, you have not answered my question. So why bother to argue the point? It feels very good to them on one level, but it is highly threatening to them on another. Posted May 12, 2014 | Reviewed by Jessica Schrader If Annie showed her face on here you can be damn sure I'd be doing something about it! When they do this, what they are in fact doing is literally inviting you to invalidate them. (Perhaps you can now see how easy it is to be misinterpreted in discussing such sensitive topics). Most people over here have to buy DBT self help books and try to go it alone, which isn't always successful. (That would be splitting). Sorry Heinz. I strongly disagree. Another girl, who has gone the self help route, is starting it again for the third time. When people with BPD try to distance you (again refer to my Distancing: Early Warning post), you can use the momentum generated by their attempt to push you away to actually move closer to them in the emotional sense. and look to understand that life includes many shades of grey, that your perception of reality is not often reflective of reality, something which is especially likely when you have BPD. The problem is of course that the cocaine is making these folks feel worse in the long run, and that taking such walks is a foolish thing to do, rights or no rights. "I am, always have been." The empathic, kernal-of-truth containing counterstatement should therefore be something like, "It sure sounds like you've been having a pretty bad time of it." Nowadays I rarely see that behavior at all, because my reponses stop it. People look at the diagnostic criteria, that coupled with reading Randi's books and books such as "Understanding the Borderline Mother" and decide that their mothers also had BPD. I don't dislike you personally and I do get why you have come to the conclusions that you have but wherever I see articles that present a position anathema to the objectives of this burgeoning revolution in understanding about BPD I challenge it. When are they going to be held responsible for manipulating everyone's emotions and then playing the victim card? Thanks for your questions. Nope, thats not the case. I need to know, but nobody will tell me. They're not easy to answer because there are so many variables, and I'm not going to make grandiose and exaggerated claims for treatment efficacy based on superficial criteria like most psychotherapy outcome research these days. I'm giving up for now because there is only so much I can take of someone repeatedly misintepretting what I am saying before the self fulfilling prophecy aspect of this nonsense starts to take hold. When will Borderlines realize they and only they can break their own cycles with professional help? I have a ways to go yet in my therapy before I can socially interact with others without it causing me pain. David M. Allen, M.D. I started as a therapist before BPD was even in the diagnostic manual, and before I learned how to respond, I was frequently a target. You keep referring to me as if I think BPD is just a brain disorder and it is once again and indication that you are not really listening with an open mind to what I am saying. This is Part VI of an ongoing series of posts. If I'm not sure how people will take it then I tell them I have Emotional Regulation Disorder. Another frequently heard, highly exaggerated accusation by people with BPD is one that is very hard to find some way to validate: "You don't really care about me." "I'm not well, never have been, always known it. (As an aside, DBT therapists are not even taught about the concept of spoiling, but Linehan spends whole chapters in her book discussing how to handle the different behaviors). I'm the first anon person, thought I best had pick a name so it doesn't look like I'm having a conversation with myself, Reply to Heinz, the Baron Krauss von Espy, Ok I you're answer just appeared further up but it took long enough, You just do not get why what you are saying is so infuriating, The label can cause problems but its your decision whether you want it or not. I used to hear that as an accusation as in, "You don't care about me, you're only in it for the money!" You get to be a little like Mary Poppins here, and almost never need to explain yourself when anyone with half a brain can figure the explanation out all by themselves. An important caveat is that you want to keep your statements as brief as possible, and not go on to explain what you just said or give additional information that justifies your opinion. When I become disregulated I am not trying to make anyone else feel anything. Respond paste 60 ml. Sorry if I've messed up anyone's day. They are particularly likely to show spoiling behavior around parents, lovers who keep trying to fix them, and therapists who don't know how to respond to them. They continued for about four or five sessions for the whole 45 minutes, and I had no idea how to respond, and she knew it. I know from my conversations with other people with BPD and mental health professionals who themselves have recovered from BPD that we share this understanding of our condition. In fact, it presumes that he or she is a complete moron. IF you can interrupt a BD's emotional storm and just say no, we're going to be calm and nice, and I like you, then a BD will respond very well. I know plenty enough people who claim to have a mother with BPD but whose mother was never assessed or treated for the condition. It doesn't feel ambiguous when someone validates you, it feels amazing… like someone actually feels and gets what you are feeling. I have BPD and major depressive disorder, I almost meet the criteria for Asperger's syndrome and social anxiety but not so much that I warrant a diagnosis of these conditions. I've certainly met people with BPD who behave this way but then I've met plenty of people who don't have BPD who behave this way too. Remember, disagreement and invalidation are not the same thing. I object to your again, insidious contention, that by accepting that this spoiling behaivour is somehow self sacrificial and that we should be forgiven for it and treated accordingly detrimentally effects the lives of people living with the condition. In fact, although their brains have trained themselves to have a high level of reactivity because it's an important adaptation to a highly dysfunctional and traumatic family atmosphere, I belief people with BPD are normal. How do your patients respond to your course of treatment? The countermeasure, taught to me by the best professor in my psychiatry residency training program, Rodney Burgoyne, is therefore to validate the kernal of truth in the statement and simply ignore all the exaggeration as well as any negative implications. It doesn't fit. I've been through literally dozens of jobs, friendships and relationships over my lifetime and now live alone, too afraid to start another relationship, yet hating the fact that I'm alone. A third choice is to change the nature of your relationship with your parents so that you are not being mistreated but are still in contact with them. Posted Nov 04, 2013 | Reviewed by Jessica Schrader So, as I mentioned in part I, they may have a whole repertoire of behaviors designed to get the validator to revert to being an invalidator. And their ongoing relationships, which are rarely evaluated in psychotherapy outcome studies - or any studies for that matter - are still screwed up. And it did. As for "wanting" to have BPD.... who the hell would want it?? So whilst you may perceive your behaviour to always be decent, kind, empathic and caring many of your posts demonstrate that you often undertake aggressive personal attacks against others in an incredibly uncaring and self serving way. I truly wish you all the best with yours. "Even without treatment or a diagnosis do you believe it is possible for someone with BPD to be a decent, compassionate, empathic and caring person?" Dear Annie or " Behaviors writer". If ever there were a time to stop beating yourself up for being human, it is now. It is just a difference of opinion and nothing more. When people keep ignoring my answers and attributing things to me that I never said (examples of spoiling behavior, BTW), of course I will defend myself. is a professor of psychiatry at the University of Tennessee and the author of the book Coping with Critical, Demanding, and Dysfunctional Parents. I'll look into it. BTW, twisting someone else's words is a great illustration of the type of provocative behavior the posts are meant to cover. Working with clients with borderline personality disorder is challenging at best. If you are new to the job and haven't had much experience or training for working with people with borderline, don't feel bad transferring the case to someone with more experience. It was a nun and I was telling her how no one cares. Wasn't "I agree with you 100% that people with BPD are highly sensitive to the needs of other people at their own expense" in answer to an poster in this very thread clear enough for you? (Oh yes they are also quite caught up in labeling it cluster B for some reason though MANY BPDs are cluster C). The moment I say "You are not listening to what I am actually saying and it is ignorant and disprespectful of you to be making these judgements about my motives just because I have BPD." It's interesting how you keep mischaracterizing what I say. "Sorry to have to point this out, but some commenters here are doing exactly the same things they are accusing everyone else of doing - refusing to take ANY responsibility for their own part in the problem and just blaming everyone else and/or pathologizing everyone ELSE's behavior.". Unfortunately, any good thing can be misused if someone has a mind to. You do have to do some detective work but if you try ringing these guys then they will likely now of other services like this in different areas. Mine is in not being articulate enough in my descriptions and writing. I actually live in Australia and DBT is very difficult to access. For example, rather than saying, “You call me all the time when I’m working and you’re making it impossible for me to get anything done,” you can say, “It’s been difficult for me to handle my workload lately. Turn that mirror on yourself and you'll find the person who is playing the game. But you're probably pretty spectacular in some way, and definitely good enough in most areas of life. Its up to you how your legacy is perceived but right now you are just spreading stigma and misunderstanding due to the limitations of your ability to understand and respect people with BPD. How they act around you in a support group may be completely different than how they act around family and/or around people who enable them. My advice: refuse to argue. Most of the stigma also come from health care providers, that is, doctors, psychologists, and psychiatrists. I don't care how troublesome you might find it - people read your articles and are not given any indication that they are not at liberty to generalise. The author totally ignores the reality that the person seeking to respond to a borderline parent is most likely the victim of child abuse and thereby is on dangerous ground. Plus, once you qualify for the diagnosis, the average patient qualifies for almost two OTHER personality disorders - ANY other disorders. If you want the person to get help, you say much the same thing I said in the preceding paragraph using the the third person – without the elaboration/explanation I just provided in this paragraph. It is making this very difficult to communicate because I have been getting frustrated at you not attempting to address an issue and then seeing that you have. I don't even know why I responded to this. I did not create the negative impression that people have about those with the disorder. It shouldn't be this way. My world is a living hell and I've struggled on for more years than I should have. Related Articles. Posted Nov 04, 2013 299 People Used More Information ›› People swear by DBT but its not for me because it involves diaries and paperwork which with me always ends up in little pieces in the bin. Because calling someone an idiot is an insult, and insults indicate hostility. Thirdly, when I say "I get angry at everything over nothing" I'm being overly simplistic. I take full responsibility for my condition. If there is one thing I have learned over the years, it is that, despite appearance to the contrary, people with BPD have just as much common sense as anyone else. They will not usually admit to it, and if they do it will be in a disguised and very subtle manner so you will likely misunderstand what they are saying. I get angry at myself because I can't trust anybody. You make the choice of who you want to be, but you can not choose to be if you refuse to see who you really are, refusing to see reality will get you nowhere. It sounds like you want to have BPD but I personally don't think so ep after all of the other comments on every BPD blog that you leave about your BPD mother. Responding to “Borderline” Provocations: Last Part Being in a relationship with someone with traits of borderline personality disorder is incredibly challenging. These cognitive problems often contribute to other symptoms, including relationship problems, emotional instability, and impulsive behavior.Some treatments for BPD … If he wasn't getting enough attention then he would threaten to kill himself. If you want a diagnosis demand one is my advice, just be careful who you tell. A reminder from Part III: Tone of voice is crucial. If you get time to watch it then this video offers a compassionate view of BPD. They are simply disfunctional coping mechanisms that some people utilise, for the same reasong people without BPD utilise them. They are the worst people to help. The hardest thing for me in reading your posts is that they do not apply to many of us. Get the help you need from a therapist near you–a FREE service from Psychology Today. Part I - The author claims that GOAL of the borderline is to push you into helplessness, fear/anxiety, or anger/rejection. Countertransference in therapy with people suffering from BPD has been the greatest barrier to people with the condition benefitting from treatment. The issues I focus on are extremely tricky. Doing that is not even close to the "acting out" that I describe in the series of posts, unless the person keeps "yes-butting" every single reasonable suggestion that's made to them by the professional, does not seek a second opinion if they don't like the first one, and then complains that they aren't getting treatment. It can take quite a while to get the whole story out of them. It still doesn't make either crime right, so why validate an antisocial behavior, if you want to end it? The diagnosis is largely irrelevant, it only exists as a gateway to relevant treatment. The Trauma of Having a Parent With Borderline Personality Disorder, 7 Simple Habits to Protect Your Mental Health, Psychology Today © 2021 Sussex Publishers, LLC, Neuroscience Study Shows Memory Can Improve with Training, Unresolved Arguments May Nibble Away at Your Well-Being. I do goad my psych and I don't even know why. She was also being passive aggressive at the time. You can use the same, and exactly the right words and sound as if you are indeed feeling helpless, guilty or hostile - or you can sound like you are at peace with yourself and with your own limitations. This so-called validation strategy incentivizes bad behavior. Does the BDP person begin to feel better? If you don't think people with BPD commonly create distress in others, and that sometimes they do so on purpose, then you'd be wrong. Things certainly can be that bad, and especially for someone with BPD, they often are that bad. I object to your insistance that those with BPD are "spoilers" and engage in "spoiling" behaviour. Its not just me seeing it wrong its genuinely not there for a whole day and then appears mid conversation where it wasn't before. Sleep is my favourite coping mechanism. So if the shoe doesn't fit, I am not saying that anyone should wear it. 5. The behavior of people with borderline personality disorder is often interpreted as emotional manipulation. Full disclosure: most people in the mental health field do not agree with this idea. Thus, there is no motivation for a Borderline to change their dysfunctional behavior. One can easily be misled as to how they act with people that you don't see them with first hand. Compare Search ( Please select at least 2 keywords ) Most Searched Keywords. I believe the mental health profession have created a myth of the spoiler with BPD because of their countertransference. Get yourself an advocate to fight your battles with you and find out what your rights are. Even before my diagnosis I did this because I am a decent person and recognised that my emotional reactions were more intense than other people's. BPD really messes with REM sleep so even when we get a lot of sleep we often still don't feel rested. They are extremely common, and if you don't think so, you'd be wrong. Again if its not something you can get involved with, don't be shy, ask them if there is anything they can think of that can help you with. However the BPD will as a rule be those things less often than someone without a psychological condition, diagnosed or otherwise. I think it indicates pure contempt with a rational basis for everyone in your profession. I suspect your cynicism towards full recovery in those with BPD is informed by your insistence that what people with BPD are doing is engaging in spoiling behaviour. I know Annie and this is not Annie. You might say, "But as you already know, cocaine is destructive in the long run." This disorder is challenging for even the most seasoned social workers. BPD provocation #1: Exaggerated over-genereralizations and wild accusations. I am benefitting from Schema Focussed therapy however, as it is helping me to understand why I get so overwhelmed by my emotions and take on board the responsibility for other people's lives. I get that you understand there are different ways in which the condition can manifest but it seems to me that mine is not a unique presentation of symptoms and the spoiler character is a rarer occurence than is popularly believed. The individual with BPD already knows why you think what you think, so there's no point in it. So I'm not singling you out, you're not anywhere near as bad as the others but you are still off the mark. As someone with BPD you are not, but that does not mean you should seek out and more importantly engage with help. Nothing helped people with BPD at all until Marsha Linehan changed the game, yet still you people knock back her achievements. Don't be a rescuer. Some of them are incredibly triggering and counterproductive. Section V provides an overview of DSM-IV-TR criteria, prevalence rates for borderline personality disorder, and general infor-mation on its natural history and course. Part IV - More on ways to agree obliquely with crazy comments. In responding to those with BPD, the goal is for both sides to win. Ultimately they want the rejection. Do Manta Rays Use "Fin Language" to Communicate? Section V provides an overview of DSM-IV-TR criteria, prevalence rates for borderline personality disorder, and general infor-mation on its natural history and course. Even better, get off this board and go and watch movies instead. Posted May 12, 2014 OK, I'll be more explicit: YES, of course people with BPD can be very capable, caring, compassionate, and empathic just like anyone else, just like they are quite capable of being the opposite of those, just like anyone else. In the next post in this series, Part VII, I will discuss responding to the most dangerous and difficult problem of all: suicide threats and parasuicidal behavior. Some of them are even criteria for the disorder. Just because I don't act the same way you do with regards to BPD, it doesn't mean I don't have it. And people also lie to themselves all the time. I'm not well, never have been, always known it. He was not experiencing any kind of existential angst he had just failed to grow up and developed a survival mechanism that enabled him to manipulate the women in his life the way he manipulated his mother. We've had enough and we have every right to have had enough. I know it is hard to believe that they have an altruistic motive for behaving the way they do. NO. Why should a Borderline change their pathological behavior if it works for them in getting their way? Your belief that those with BPD are programmed to make people feel hopeless, angry and guilty makes people we deal with when trying to get help treat us as if we are to blame when they feel that way. (No, I did not make this up; a patient actually said that to me). Your profession and you yourself have a lot to answer for in terms of redressing the great injustices committed against the BPD community. (That took the length of three books). in the people around you. When you go to BPD support groups or communicate with other people with BPD online you find that most of us are singing from the same hymn sheet. Allen, D. Responding to Borderline Provocations. I'm always analysing the little things that people do, that people say and then get angry with myself for being so sensitive. 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