His brother was Tiberius. Auch als Konsul setzte er den Krieg in Germanien fort. Chr. a Iulius–Claudius-dinasztia utolsó római császára (uralkodott 54. [13], Starting in 14 BC, Drusus built a string of military bases along the Rhine—fifty according to Florus—and established an alliance with the Batavi in preparation for military action in Germania Libera. Chr.) Nero Claudius Drusus Germanicus(AD 15 - AD 68) Nero was born at Antium (Anzio) on 15 December AD 37 and was first named Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus. 10 v. Chr. [13], Drusus easily won election as consul for the year 9 BC. [35], Drusus had sought out multiple Germanic (at least three) chieftains during his campaigns in Germany (12 BC–9 BC), engaging them in "dazzling displays of single combat". Chr. RIC 74; BMC 107; Cohen 6; RSC 6. Chr. Januar 38 v. ), auch der „ältere Drusus“ (lateinisch Drusus maior) oder nur Drusus genannt, war ein römischer Politiker und Heerführer sowie Stiefsohn des Kaisers Augustus. Slabbed by NGC as choice VF strike 5/5, surface 3/5. Er war der Adoptivsohn von Kaiser Claudius, die seine Nicht Agrippina in die Ehe mitbrachte. ), auch der ältere Drusus (lateinisch: Drusus maior) oder nur Drusus genannt, war ein römischer Politiker und Heerführer, Stiefsohn des Kaisers Augustus. NERO CLAUDIUS DRUSUS, father of Claudius, (died 9 BC), gold aureus (7.67 g), Lugdunum mint, issued under Claudius, A.D. 41-45, obv. Augustus noted the successes of Drusus' campaigns—for which, as Drusus' superior, he took credit—in his Res Gestae Divi Augusti, written in 14 AD: I restored peace to the provinces of Gaul and Spain, likewise Germany, which includes the ocean from Cadiz to the mouth of the river Elbe. [30] Once more he left the city before assuming office. NERO CLAUDIUS DRUSUS, father of Claudius, (died 9 BC), gold aureus (7.67 g), Lugdunum mint, issued under Claudius, A.D. 41-45, obv. Nero Claudius Drusus , auch der „ältere Drusus“ (lateinisch: Drusus maior) oder nur Drusus genannt, war ein römischer Politiker und Heerführer, Stiefsohn des Kaisers Augustus. Chr. [27] Around this time, the canny Marcomannic king Maroboduus responded to the Roman incursion by relocating his people en masse to Bohemia. Januar 38 v. Drusus repelled them, gaining honors, but was unable to smash their forces, and required reinforcement from Tiberius. Er war ein Sohn der Livia, der Frau des Augustus, aus ihrer ersten Ehe mit Tiberius Claudius Nero. August 2020 um 16:18. bekämpfte Drusus die Chatten und kehrte zeitweilig nach Rom zurück, wo er 9 v. Chr. He was a patrician Claudian on his birth father's side but his maternal grandmother was from a plebeian family. 38 vor Chr.- gest. He had two sons, the Emperor Claudius, and Germanicus . In dieser Phase wurde der Schutz Galliens und des römischen Reichsgebietes mittels militärischer und politischer Sicherung des rechtsrheinischen Raumes bis zur Elbe angestrebt. Beim Wiederaufbau der Stadt errichtete er einen ungeheuren Palast, das „Goldene … His brother was Tiberius. In 12 BC, Drusus led a successful campaign into Germania, subjugating the Sicambri. [17] The Chauci concluded a treaty acknowledging Roman supremacy, and would remain allies of Rome for years to come. [citation needed] Suetonius reports that he had refused to return to Rome just before his death. [5] Their children were Germanicus, Claudius, a daughter named Livilla ('little Livia'), and at least two others who did not survive childhood. [4] Gerhard Radke has proposed the date of March 28 as his most likely birthday,[2] while Lindsay Powell interprets Ovid's Fasti as indicating a date of 13 January. Reste des Drusussteins, der Zu Ehren des Feldherrn von den in Mogontiacum stationierten Soldaten errichtet wurde, sind auf dem Zitadellengelände zu sehen. [3] Der „Drususstein“ in Mainz (damals: Mogontiacum) könnte der Überrest eines Kenotaphs für Drusus sein. Using a cognomen such as Nero as a first name was unusual, as was the prominence given to his maternal lineage in adopting Drusus as his cognomen. September 9 v. Chr. Drusus married Antonia Minor, the daughter of Mark Antony and Augustus' sister, Octavia Minor, and gained a reputation of being completely faithful to her. [20] News of Drusus' achievements—navigating the North Sea, carrying the Roman eagles into new territory, and fixing new peoples into treaty relations with Rome—caused considerable excitement in Rome and were commemorated on coins.[20]. Drusus was born between mid-March and mid-April 38 BC, three months after Livia married Augustus on 17 January. [37] They also posthumously granted him the hereditary honorific title "Germanicus", which was given to his eldest son before passing to his youngest. Nero Claudius Drusus Germanicus (January 14, 38 BC – summer of 9 BC), born Decimus Claudius Drusus, also called Drusus Claudius Nero, Drusus, Drusus I, Nero Drusus, or Drusus the Elder was a Roman politician and military commander. C 3. Die Drusus-Feldzüge waren römische Militäroperationen in den Jahren 12 bis 8 v. Chr. „verfluchtes Lager“) genannt wurde, und brachte die Leiche seines Bruders nach Rom.[2]. Triumphal arch surmounted by equestrian statue between two trophies, the architrave inscribed DE GERMANIS, (cf.S.1892, RIC (Claudius) 71. geheiratet hatte. Nero Claudius Drusus Germanicus (January 14, 38 BC – Summer of 9 BC), born Decimus Claudius Drusus also called Drusus Claudius Nero, Drusus, Drusus I, Nero Drusus, or Drusus the Elder was a Roman politician and military commander. He was a patrician Claudian on his legal father's side but his maternal grandmother was from a plebeian family. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 3. Im folgenden Jahr (in dem er praetor urbanus war) kämpfte Drusus gegen die an der Lippe siedelnden Sugambrer und weitere Stämme. Sein älterer Bruder war der spätere Kaiser Tiberius. [21] He reached the Werra Valley before deciding to turn back for the season, as winter was coming on, supplies were dwindling, and the omens were unfavorable. [24] Drusus was given the honor of an ovation, and for the second time, Augustus closed the doors of the Temple of Janus, signifying that the whole Roman world was then at peace. [8] From 14 to 13 BC, Augustus himself was also active in Gaul, whether in Lugdunum (modern Lyon) or along the Rhine frontier. Nero Claudius Drusus war ein Sohn der Livia, der Frau des Augustus, aus ihrer ersten Ehe mit Tiberius Claudius Nero.Sein älterer Bruder war der spätere Kaiser Tiberius.. Drusus war verheiratet mit Antonia Minor, einer Tochter von Marcus Antonius und Augustus’ Schwester Octavia.Seine Kinder waren Germanicus, Livilla und der spätere Kaiser Claudius. – Róma, 68. június 9.) Kostenlose Lieferung für viele Artikel! Bezeichnet zunächst eine Silbermünze [siehe dazu unter Sesterz (Silber)]. Nero Claudius Drusus, Vater Des Claudius (38-9 v.Chr.) Januar 38 v. Claudius, however, encouraged the rumor during his reign a… By Augustus' decree, festivals were held in Mogontiacum at Drusus' death day and probably also on his birthday. Hier hatte der Konsul angeblich die Erscheinung einer riesenhaften Frau, die ihn durch eine unheilvolle Prophezeiung vom weiteren Vorrücken abbrachte. 9 vor Chr. He is a prominent character in the Hrabam Chronicles by Alaric Longward (2016). When Tiberius left Italy during his term as praetor in 16 BC, Drusus legislated in his place. Nero Claudius Drusus Germanicus (oder Drusus der Ältere/Drusus maior) war der Vater des späteren Kaisers Claudius, der diese Aureii zu dessen Ehren herausgeben ließ. Drusus did not have it in him to stay in Rome. Chr. Die Feldzüge begannen im Spätsommer 12 v. Chr. [18] As they continued to ascend the Ems, the Romans were attacked by the Bructeri in boats. … September 9 v. gegen rechtsrheinische germanische Stämme. [10] This council would elect from its members a priest to celebrate games and venerate Rome and Augustus as deities[11] every 1 August at the altar of the three Gauls that Drusus established at Condate in 10 BC. [28] The sources are ambiguous, but suggest that he could have potentially taken the spolia opima from a Germanic king, thus becoming the fourth and final Roman to gain this honor. Da sich nur auf letztgenannte Weise militärischer Ruhm und politisches Prestige erlangen ließen, bot sie sich als die attraktivere Variante an. Der ihm postum verliehene Ehrenname Germanicus vererbte sich auf seine Söhne Germanicus und Claudius. Familie und frühe Karriere. Nero was a traditional cognomen (third name) of the Claudii, whereas Drusus was given to a branch of the gens Livia. Nero Claudius Drusus (* 14. [16] Drusus sailed to the mouth of the Ems and penetrated into the territory of the Chauci in present-day Lower Saxony. The following year, while serving as consul, he conquered the Mattiaci and defeated the Marcomanni and the Cherusci, the latter near the Elbe. das Konsulat übernahm. Die römische Strategie war zugleich von Gallien und von Illyrien her angelegt, nicht – wie fälschlich angenommen – vom Alpenvorland. He rejoined his wife Antonia and two children for a time in Lugdunum before the family returned to Rome, where Drusus reported to Augustus. Nero Claudius Drusus (* 14. Nero Claudius Drusus Germanicus (14 January 38 BC – summer of 9 BC), also called Drusus the Elder, was a Roman politician and military commander. Den Verdacht, den Brand Roms 64 selbst verursacht zu haben, wälzte Nero auf die Christen ab, die er in großer Zahl und auf grausame Weise hinrichten ließ. C 3. Rich suggests that this action was done as an affirmation to Drusus' memory; had the young commander lived, he would have placed spolia opima in the temple himself.[37]. In 11 BC, he conquered the Usipetes and the Marsi, extending Roman control to the Upper Weser. Drusus was raised in Claudius Nero's house with his brother, the future emperor Tiberius, until his legal father's death. Nero Claudius Drusus Germanicus (14 January 38 BC[2] – summer of 9 BC),[3] also called Drusus the Elder, was a Roman politician and military commander. Claudius, however, encouraged the rumor during his reign as emperor to create an impression of more direct lineage from Augustus. diente auch der Erforschung der rechtsrheinischen Gebiete und der Beruhigung des Nordabschnitts der Grenze. Nach dessen Sieg … He is a minor character in Robert Graves' historical novel I, Claudius, as well as the BBC's adaptation of the same title in which he was played by Ian Ogilvy. Nero Claudius Drusus (* 14. Nachdem aber die westgermanischen Stämme befriedet worden waren, zogen sich die Römer weitgehend aus dem rechtsrheinischen Germanien wieder zurück, waren aber jederzeit wieder zur Offensive imstande. Struck on an exceptionally broad flan, very fine and very rare. Antike Herrscherprägung . Drusus was the youngest son of Livia Drusilla from her marriage to Tiberius Claudius Nero, who was legally declared his father before the couple divorced. Drusus Germanicus war der Bruder des späteren Kaisers Tiberius. Remnants of this are still standing. Three emperors were direct descendants of Drusus: his son Claudius, his grandson Caligula, and his great-grandson Nero. Nero versuchte sich in Musik, Dichtung, Malerei und Bildhauerei, begründete 60 die „Nerofestspiele“ (Neronia) und trat öffentlich als Sänger und Wagenlenker auf. In 10 BC, the Chatti joined with the Sicambri and attacked Drusus' camp, but they were driven back. [15] In spring of 12 BC, he embarked an expeditionary force, perhaps consisting of the Legiones I Germanica and V Alaudae, by ship from the vicinity of modern Nijmegen, making use of one or more canals he had built for the purpose. Erst 5 n. Chr. The annual festival celebrating Drusus' death is a main plot element in the second volume of the Romanike series by Codex Regius (2006-2014). Sesterz Von „semistertius“ (dritthalb), also zunächst im Wert von 2,5 Assen. Drusus war Oberkommandierender am Rhein und führte im Auftrage seines Stiefvaters Augustus mehrere siegreiche Feldzüge gegen die Germanen. 41-42 n. Chr. Trotz der Feldzüge des Drusus gerieten die wenigsten Germanenstämme wirklich unter dauerhafte Abhängigkeit von Rom. Der erste der Drusus-Feldzüge (12–9 v. März 2021 um 07:10 Uhr bearbeitet. According to Suetonius, Drusus was originally given Decimus as his praenomen, the first of a Roman male's conventional three names in Roman naming practice at the time. Chr. J.W. He was a patrician Claudian on his father's side but his mother came from the Livii Drusi, a plebeian family. ; † 14. Tiberius Claudius Drusus Nero Germanicus war der ursprüngliche Name des Kaisers Claudius; Claudius Drusus war ein Sohn des Claudius; Nero Claudius Caesar Drusus war der vollständige angenommene Name des Kaisers Nero Zuletzt bearbeitet am 12. ), auch der "ältere Drusus" (lat. Drusus was granted the office of proconsul for the following year. Auch am Rhein errichtete Drusus zahlreiche Lager, zwei davon sind Neuss (Novaesium) und Bonn. [19] Drusus' forces defeated the Bructeri, but, as it was now late in the campaign season, turned back for their winter quarters in Gaul, taking advantage of their new alliance with the Frisii to navigate through the difficult conditions on the North Sea. He remained extremely popular with the legionaries, who erected a monument (the Drususstein) in Mogontiacum (modern Mainz) on his behalf. Der tote Drusus wurde mit zahlreichen Ehrungen versehen, unter anderem mit Leichenreden von Augustus und Tiberius, Lobdichtungen und Monumenten. He was the son of Livia Drusilla and the legal stepson of her second husband, the Emperor Augustus. Er gilt daher auch als Gründer der Stadt Mainz. His consulship conferred the chance for Drusus to attain Rome's highest and rarest military honor, the spolia opima, or spoils of an enemy chieftain slain personally by an opposing Roman general who was fighting (as consuls did) under his own auspices. Seine Kinder waren Germanicus, Livilla und der spätere Kaiser Claudius. [28] In summer of 10 BC, Drusus left the field in order to return to Lugdunum, where he inaugurated the sanctuary of the Three Gaulish provinces at Condate on 1 August. Tiberius named his eldest son after his brother, and Drusus did likewise, although eldest sons were usually named after their father or grandfather. Drusus pursued them, proceeding from the sites of present-day Mainz and Rödgen, where he set up a base of supply, to Hedemünden, where a strong new camp was established. He was also brother of the Emperor Tiberius, father to both the Emperor Claudius and general Germanicus, paternal grandfather of the Emperor Caligula Januar 38 v. Dabei stieß Drusus 12 v. Chr. Dieser Artikel beschäftigt sich mit Nero Claudius Drusus; zu weiteren Trägern des Namens Drusus siehe, Feldzüge gegen die Germanen (12 bis 9 v. Shortly before his death he wrote a letter to Tiberius complaining about the style in which Augustus ruled. [23] The Cherusci failed to capitalize on their initial advantage, whereupon the Romans broke through their lines, defeated the Germanic attackers, and acclaimed Drusus as imperator. Nero Claudius Drusus - kurz Drusus genannt, wurde ausgesandt, um die Grenzen zu sichern und das germanische Gebiet jenseits des Rheins zu erobern. NERO CLAUDIUS DRUSUS SESTERZ | eBay Roman politician and military commander (38 BC - 9 BC), Rich, J. W. “Drusus and the Spolia Opima.”, Factorum ac dictorum memorabilium libri IX, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Nero_Claudius_Drusus&oldid=1011777179, Short description is different from Wikidata, Pages using multiple image with manual scaled images, Articles with unsourced statements from May 2020, Wikipedia articles with PLWABN identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Wikipedia articles with multiple identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 12 March 2021, at 19:33. Drusus entstammte der Ehe des Senators Tiberius Claudius Nero mit Livia, wurde aber erst geboren, als diese den Caesar-Erben Octavian 39 v. Chr. Drusus turned back,[34] erecting a trophy to commemorate his reaching the Elbe, perhaps on the site of Dresden or Magdeburg. Nero Claudius Drusus war ein Sohn der Livia, der Frau des Augustus, aus ihrer ersten Ehe mit Tiberius Claudius Nero. Kostenlose Lieferung für viele Artikel! [32] Drusus led the army via Rödgen through the territories of the Marsi and Cherusci until he even crossed the river Elbe. Im Jahr 15 v. Chr. The Senate raised an arch on the Appian Way in his memory[40] (unrelated to the Arch of Drusus) which read "DE GERM" and depicted his Elbe trophy as well as him fighting on horseback, a testament to his personal bravery. Nero Claudius Drusus From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Nero Claudius Drusus Germanicus (14 January 38 BC - 14 September 9 BC), born Decimus Claudius Drusus also called Drusus, Drusus I, Nero Drusus, or Drusus the Elder was a Roman politician and military commander. Drusus war verheiratet mit Antonia Minor, einer Tochter von Marcus Antonius und Augustus’ Schwester Octavia. ), Reallexikon der Germanischen Altertumskunde, https://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Drusus&oldid=209395550, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“, Drusus, Nero Claudius; Drusus maior; Drusus der Ältere; Claudius Drusus, Nero. Drusus was born shortly after the divorce of his mother, Livia Drusilla, from Tiberius Der Beginn der augusteischen Germanenkriege war zunächst auf einzelne, räumlich eng begrenzte Konflikte beschränkt, aus denen sich allmählich eine Folge schwerer Auseinandersetzungen entwickelte.
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